October 29, 2016

President:                           Carol Hassebrock

Vice President:                 Cathy Tepel

Secretary:                           Kim Burgess

Treasurer:                           Chris Urquhart

Board Members:              Wayne Holverstott

                                                Deanne Wright

                                                Eric Hedges

Absent:                                                Deanne Wright

CALL TO ORDER:               9:00 am

                                                Call to order by Carol Hassebrock

                                                Board and attending guests introduced.

GUESTS:                               Tim Lynch

                                                Sharon Tucker                                  


MINUTES:                           Motion made by Chris to accept the minutes of the meeting held

August 20, 2016.  2nd by Eric.  Approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT:       Presented by Carol. 

                                                Motion made by Kim to accept the financial report as presented.  2nd by Chris.  Approved.


Presidents Report:          None.

Maintenance:                   Building 2 – north side of siding is blistering due to water getting in between the siding and the wall.  Wayne will contact Duane.

                                                Plastering is falling off the southeast corner of the Clubhouse.  No damage to the wall.  Wayne will clean up and advise if further repairs required.

                                                Roof replacement delayed.  Letter sent requesting ASAP attendance. 

                                                Roof and gutter cleaning by Centsible Services Company is scheduled for November 4, 2016.

Grounds:                             Sprinklers turned off the second week of October.

                                                Request to trim the hedge on the south side of the driveway.

SALES:                                   None.

OLD BUSINESS:                 Spa - The crack has been sealed and the pump replaced.  Repairs made for less than $500.00.  Spa is up and running again.

                                                Tim Lynch gave an update on repairing current spa.  Advises that repairs can be done for less than $10,000.00.  He will contact the Health Department and question requirements to make the repairs.

                                                Cathy will cancel the hold on a new spa.

                                                Curbing – will be removed.

                                                Berm – Project postponed for one year.

Washer hoses, etc – Received one bid so far to replace washer hoses as most plumbers advise it is not a big enough job.  Current bid is $100.00 per item.  Total cost of approximately $3,500.00.  All costs will be paid for by MCCA and rebilled to each owner.

Cathy will send a letter to all owners requiring upgrades advising the cost and a date for upgrades to be completed.  Should repairs be made prior to this date, owners will need to advise the Board.

Dryer vents – tabled.

Window Replacement – several are still in need of replacement.  Wayne will follow up.

NEW BUSINESS:               Need to renew $50.00 assessment.

Carol proposing that this Special Assessment be changed to a Building Assessment.  This will make it a permanent assessment and not have to be revisited every three years for approval.  Carol will look into the legal wording.

Eric made a motion that the Special Assessment be changed to a Building Assessment.  2nd by Kim.  Approved.

Scuppers – Scheduled to be cleaned with the gutter cleaning on November 4, 2016.

Refinance Fees – Cathy gave an update on the amount of time required for completing documents for owners refinancing.  Currently, the Board only charges to complete resale certificates. 

Chris made a motion that a $150.00 fee be charged to complete each refinancing document.  2nd by Wayne.  Approved.

2017 Budget – Committee formed including Chris, Carol and Cathy.  Committee will meet November 18, 2016.


EXECUTIVE SESSION:      Entered at 10:43 am

                                                Out of executive session at 10:56 am

OTHER BUSINESS:            Wayne made a motion to appoint an 8th Board Member.  2nd by Eric.  Approved.

Kim made a motion to appoint Tom Street as 8th Board Member.  2nd by Eric.  Approved.

Cathy made a suggestion that unapproved minutes be forwarded to all owners following AGM via email. 

ADJOURNMENT:              11:20

NEXT MEETING:                November 19, 2016 at 9:00 am