Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, Oct. 14, 2017
Call to order: 9am
Members present: Carol, Tom, Chris, Cathy, Eric, Deanne
Greet Guests: Lavonne Roosendaal 220, Don Graham
Add agenda items from guests
Minutes of Sept meeting as presented. Motion to pass or correct. Chris motion to approve, Tom 2nd. Passed.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. 2016 audit has not been paid yet, around $2,000 cost. We haven’t transferred from general fund to insurance reserve yet.
Facility Report: Wayne Holverstott. Carol noted work has started on gate around bike area. Carol noted that she has had a contractor look at siding on south side of building 3. His opinion is that the siding is OK. Discussion about condition and possibly caulk and paint. We need to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get too bad.
Grounds Report: Deanne Wright. Deanne presented estimate from our landscaper Management Services Northwest for landscaping improvements by basketball court and sod removal in front of building $2,500 and $7,500 respectively. Second proposal from Kramer Landscaping had sod removal at $1,935, no quote for basketball court area. Eric motion to table the sod cutting and add to the annual meeting so the whole community can decide, Chris 2nd. Passed.
The landscapers are contracted to clean up area behind basketball court once a year. Eric motion that we take no further action at this time on the area behind the basketball court, Chris 2nd. Passed.
President’s Report: Carol Hassebrock. Carol gave update on fire sprinkler issue in unit 248. Four other units have been impacted, two extensively, outside soffits have been affected. NW Professionals are currently cleaning up. Our insurance has been notified and other insurance companies for the owners are involved. More to come.
We have had a handyman working on various smaller issues.
Old Business:
Fill vacancy on Board. Tim has declined at this time. Carol motion to change Cathy Tepel’s status from ex oficio to board member, Tom 2nd.
Tim accepted position as employee of association for insurance and liability purposes.
Property security. Wayne and Tim are working on bike area.
Birch Bay Berm is on hold for another year.
Scupper remedies to prevent property damage. Eric to look into action item.
New Business:
Patio doors Building 2. Carol to ask Tim and Wayne to review and take maintenance actions.
Retaining wall. Tabled until Tim is here to explain corrective actions that he feels would remedy.
South wall of Bldg 3 siding,
2018 budget committee. Cathy, Carol, Eric, Chris as an alternate to determine when they can meet.
Clubhouse cleaning. Motion by Eric to use Nelva Santyo for cleaning clubhouse at 3.5 hours every other week, Deanne 2nd. Passed.
Executive Session. To discuss legal matters. 20 minutes.
Out of Executive Session. Take action on any business from Executive Session.
Eric motion to hire attorney Jeff Jones to execute lien on owner that is delinquent on homeowner’s dues and assessments, Tom 2nd. Passed.
Adjournment: 11:00 am
Eric motion to adjourn, Carol 2nd.
Next meeting November 18th at 9:00AM