Mariners Cove Association Board October 19, 2019




Call to Order:  9 am


Present: Carol, Chris, Cathy, Stacey, Tim, Eric


Greet Guests: Sharon Tucker, Ralph Tepel


Agenda items from guests: added below.


Minutes from September meeting. Motion to approve by Chris, second by Stacey. Approved. 


Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Motion to approve by Tim, second by Chris. Approved.



Board resignation from Christina Brewer. Motion to regretfully accept resignation by Tim, second by Stacey. Approved.


            Letter from Denis regarding trash on landings.


Old Business:

            Pool windows coating. We can get a better price if we wait until winter.


Check signers for Bank of the Pacific. Motion by Cathy, second by Chris to not add Christina as a signer as previously approved. Approved.


2019-2020 Insurance Package Presented. Motion by Tim, second by Cathy to accept insurance package. Approved.


Video and camera proposal – presentation by Ralph Tepel. Motion by Tim and second by Stacey to purchase the GW security system and an additional hard drive as recommended by Ralph and allocate up to $4,000 for this expenditure. Motion approved and the board thanks to Ralph for his efforts in researching and recommending this system.


            Policy revisions drafts:

                        Board relationship to rental management companies

                        Fines for failure to follow CCRs

                        CCRs insurance language change

Motion by Cathy and second by Eric to restate our CC&R’s starting with insurance. Approved.

Motion by Chris, second by Stacey to authorize Carol to contact an attorney who specializes in HOA’s to review our CC&R’s. Approved.


New Business

Board member volunteer to chair committee to manage renters and new owner’s paperwork, welcome, rules, etc.


            Christmas Social??  Pot luck? Tabled.


Preparation for next year’s budget. Motion by Cathy, second by Chris to form committee of Stacey, Cathy, Carol and Chris to draft next year’s budget proposal. Approved.


            Garbage discussion. Tabled.


Motion by Tim, Chris second to appoint Stacey as treasurer due to resignation of former treasurer. Approved.


Executive Session:  15 minutes


Out of Executive Session


            Any action from Executive Session


Motion by Cathy, Chris second to contact a lawyer regarding issues discussed in executive committee.


Other Business


Next meeting November 9th .


Motion by Chris, seconded by everyone to adjourn at  11:36AM.