Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2022


Call to Order:  9 am via Zoom

Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Carol Hassebrock, Steve Wimbush, Jamie Ponder, Felecia Sutton, Brooks Friedland, Eric Hedges

Guests: Tom Scally, Katy Montfort, Will Lofdahl


Minutes of September 17 as emailed. Motion to approve by Brooks, second by Steve. Approved.

Financial Report as emailed. Motion by Steve to approve financial report as presented, second by Jamie. Approved.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Brooks Friedland

                        Building 2 parking light repair,  Gutters in buildings 1 and 2


                         Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder


Old Business:

            Flood/frozen pipe repairs progress report.

Handicap sidewalk modification report.  Funds to proceed with work  approved via e-mail vote amongst board members.

Status on Windows/Patio Doors  New rollers for Unit 216 to be installed on 10/24, replacement upper balcony doors ordered (funds for replacement approved via email vote)

            2022-23 Insurance Update


New Business

Prep for winter. Ralph to send out owner’s memo for comments. Committee of Ralph, Felecia, Carol and Eric to develop contingency plans in the event of flooding.


After reviewing cost vs. benefit of flood insurance motion to not insure pool for flood event by Brooks, second by Steve. Motion approved.


Committee for 2022/23 Budget. Carol, Felecia, Ralph, Steve.

Motion by Felecia to spend $300 for clubhouse Holiday decorations, second by Brooks. Motion approved. 



Other Business: None


 Next meeting: November 12, 2022.  9 am.


Motion to adjourn by Eric at 11:08, second by everyone. Approved.