Mariners Cove Homeowner’s Condominium Association
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2024 7:30 PM Zoom
Call to Order:
Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Sandra Mehl, Moe Scharhon, Carol Hassebrock. Absent: Jamie Ponder and Kathleen Ashburn.
Motion to approve September 18, 2024 regular Board meeting minutes by Moe Scharhon, second by Sandra Mehl. Motion carried.
Motion to approve September 24, 2024 special Board meeting minutes by Carol Hassebrock, second by Ralph Tepel. Motion carried.
Ralph Tepel presented the current financial report. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, second by Ralph Tepel. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Lawn and Grounds:
Sandra Mehl reported on runoff problems due to sprinkler system overwatering. Driveway lights need a status report from Jamie Ponder. Tree limb issues were also discussed.
Flooding in the parking lot due to runoff pipes was discussed as being a continuing problem. Pool condensation in the clubhouse women’s restroom has returned. The north dehumidifier is out of service.
Old Business:
It was reported that clean-up in the barbecue area has not been satisfactory. This is primarily due to a need for a new cleaning person for the clubhouse. BBQ cleaning will be added to the job description.
Three quotes for cleaning roofs, gutters, and downspouts were reviewed and the Board determined that refreshed quotes should be obtained before proceeding. In order to prevent delay, however, it was suggested that Tom Bakken be authorized to engage a contractor, in accordance with Board discussions, at a cost not to exceed $3,525.00.
Parking lot sealing will proceed as weather permits, and painting of buildings will be deferred until next Spring.
Ralph Tepel reported that the federal Beneficial Ownership Information Report will be filed in November.
Regarding issues with dogs and the dog park, no report was received from the subcommittee, so the matter was tabled until a report is presented to the Board.
As regards the issue of winter freezing in storage units in Building 1 and vestibules in Building 3, Ralph Tepel reported that a test of a Bluetooth capable thermometer went well, and that he would proceed with ordering the required additional thermometers for these areas. A long-term solution for Building 3 sprinkler heads is still being investigated.
New Business
Ralph Tepel reported on criminal activity on our premises. One was a car prowl where a car window was broken, and a backpack was stolen. The other was the theft of our pressure washer and an attempted theft of a bicycle. All of these were captured on camera and led to the recovery of our pressure washer and the bicycle.
The annual winterization letter will be revised, as necessary, and distributed next month. The 2024-2025 budget planning will also begin in November
Move to Executive session at 09:18 pm.
Resume Board meeting at 09:26 pm.
Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn by Steve Wimbush, seconded by Moe Scharhon. Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:40 PM.
Next Meeting: November 8, 2024 at 7:30PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Wimbush
Acting Secretary