January 23, 2010 BOARD MEETING

President:                         Cathy Tepel
Vice President:                 Jim Morehouse
Treasurer:                        Carol Hassebrock
Secretary/Recording/        Janet Russell
Resale Certificate:
Maintenance:                   Wayne Holverstott
Grounds:                          Deanne Wright

ABSENTEES:               Deanne Wright

GUESTS:                       None

CORRESPONDENCE:                 Two Letters. Unit 245 requested permission to install a satellite 
                                                         dish. Motion given by Wayne Holverstott to approve the request.
                                                         Second by Carol Hassebrock. All in favor.

MINUTES:                                     Accepted as presented.

FINANCIAL REPORT:                 Board reviewed 2010 Budget. Motion to approve budget given by
                                                         Wayne Holverstott. Second by Cathy Tepel. All in favor.


    • List of future maintenance was presented. A request was made of Wayne to bring a maintenance list in priority order and estimates for the repairs for 2010. 
    • No additional updates.
  • SALES:
    • No updates


1. Fire Safety Equipment.

    • No updates

2. Hot water tank in clubhouse.

    • Does not need to be replaced.

3. LPG Claim.

    • On-going.

4. Water Issues

    • Storm water drainage.  The board discussed the on-going concern regarding water running down the hill from the Birch Bay Resort Park which is on the top of the hill directly East of Mariners' Cove property.   Carol will write letters for the Board to the owners of the Resort Park property and to the Birch Bay Water District expressing our concern that the run-off will weaken the hill and cause a slide on to Mariners Cove property, and requesting the Resort Park owners correct the drainage problem. 


1. Rental Units – letter from Chris Urquhart.

    • Rental Units Letter from Chris Urquhart concerning the length of time of rental agreements.   The CCRs state no less than thirty days.  Historically, the Homeowners Association Owners have expressed an understanding that rental agreements are to be no less than one year.  The purpose of the length of agreement is understood by owners to be a desire to keep the community from being a short-term rental complex.  The Board agreed owners should be strongly encouraged to rent their units for no less than one year. 

2. Clubhouse oven.

    • The door is broken on the clubhouse oven. Wayne will handle the purchase of a new stove.

3. Tree Violence.

    • Non-violence. Individuals were found to be attempting to cut branches in the back of Building 3. They were informed of inappropriate behavior.

4. 2009 fiscal audit. 

    • Treasurer authorized to engage Thompson and Associates to audit the 2009 financial statements for Mariners Cove Association.  Motion by Carol.  Second by Janet.  All in favor.

Executive Session.

    • Retain Christopher Fletcher to represent the Homeowners in legal matters concerning homeowner in arrears. Motion by Carol Hassebrock to retain lawyer. Second by Janet Russell. All in favor.

          February 18th – Special Session.

    • Committee meeting.  The Board will meet as a committee of the whole to review the CC&Rs and the Homeowners By-laws. 

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm

Next meeting February 20, 2009 9:00am Janet Russell, Secretary