Approved Mariners Cove November 20, 2004 Minutes

Called to order 8:00 A.M. November 20, 2004

Those present,           Ken Russell Vice President
                                Carol Hassebrock Treasurer
                                Anne Van Der Zalm
                                Peter Van Der Zalm, Secretary
                                Deanne Wright 
Those absent 

Homeowners present: None

Old Business: 
1.. Review and approve Oct. minutes.
Deanne motioned to accept the minutes
Carol seconded the motion 
Vote unanimous

2.. Deck repair projects recently completed
Deck repairs have been completed with final painting to be done in the spring

New Business: 
* Deanne accepted the position of Vice President

1.. New leaks/maintenance issues
A) Leak at unit #224 window was re caulked by CC Rider Construction.
B) #248 has informed the Board that the heater in his storage unit does not work. The heater was checked and found to be working at 220 volts; the wire to the storage area is 110 volts as tested by the unit owner. 
C) Outside water faucets have been winterized.
D) Salt bags will be placed at the bottom of stairways Nov. 27, 2004.

2.. Gutter/Roof cleaning bid
All Season window and gutters bid was accepted by the board for gutter and rooftop cleaning.
Peter motioned to accept the bid
Carol seconded the motion
Vote unanimous

3.. Grounds maintenance
J&J Landscaping bid for lawn and garden maintenance was accepted by the board of directors.
Peter motioned to accept the bid.
Deanne seconded the motion
Vote unanimous

4.. Garbage contract(s)
Deanne explained that SSI would recycle at no cost to Mariners Cove and that Blaine refuse was cheaper on the garbage disposal.

5.. Treasury report
Carol presented the treasury report the board accepted the report as given.

6.. 2005 budget
The 2005 budget was prepared
Carol motioned to accept the budget
Deanne seconded the motion
Vote unanimous.

Meeting ended 1 P.M.