November 11, 2006 Approved minutes


Call to Order       9am

Directors present
Carol Hasebrock President
Deanne Wright Vice President
Arlyn Plagerman Treasurer
Anne Van Der Zalm Secretary
Jim Morehouse

Wayne Holverstat

Welcome guests
None Present

Minutes of October 21, 2006 minutes read and approved

Treasurer’s report
Arlyn Plagerman gave treasurers report

Building project report (Carol for Wayne)
Phase 1 decks are nearing completion

Unit 234 (Diane Olson) roof, repairs to the unit have been approved by the board

Siding problems on Phase 2, Carol will look into who was the siding contractor and will contact them.

Soft wood on Pool wall. This was discussed and requires further investigation.

Grounds   (Deanne)
The board has approved a final cleanup to take place in December, by J&J Landscaping

Bay Committee Reports.  (Jim)
Discussion took place that if Birch Bay continues to grow there is support to form a City. The Fire District does not support the growth without a levy for them to expand with the growth. This was reported in the Northern lights newspaper.

Old Business

New Business
Presentation of Budget for 2007 by Arlyn. The Board reviewed the budget, made minor adjustments and approved it.

Adjourned at 1 P.M.