November 30, 2007
Mariners' Cove Condo Association Regular Meeting
Call to order 9 am
Directors present
Carol Hassebrock President
Arlyn Plagerman Treasurer
Wayne Hoverstat
Jim Morehouse
Anne Van Der Zalm Secretary
Cathy Tepel
Deanne Wright Vice President
Welcome to visitors
None present
Minutes, Anne
Sept. minutes read and approved
Unsigned letter read.
Financial Report
Read and accepted.
Discussion that any balance from 2007 be applied to 2008 operating fund
Old Business
Committee Reports
Grounds, Carol for Deanne
Report will be submitted next month.
Buildings, Wayne
Mariners Cove sign repair is to be handled by Wayne. Wayne continues to do his walk around inspections.
Sales, Anne
No new sales.
Glass replacement discussion
Arlyn motioned to replace fogged windows and doors on Phase III. Jim seconded. MSP
2008 Budget Discussion
Discussion took place.
2008 Budget Approval
Arlyn motioned to approve 2008 budget at $109,420.00 including insurance. The balance to be allocated to the building fund. Cathy seconded. MSP
Jim motioned to use Tommy Thomson and Associates and to give Arlyn authorization to sign engagement letter for year ending 2007. Wayne seconded. MSP
New Business
Capital Projects for 2008
Adjournment 12 noon |