Mariner's Cove Condo Association Board Meeting
November 10, 2012
President: Cathy Tepel
Vice President: Jim Morehouse
Secretary/Treasurer: Carol Hassebrock
Board Members: Wayne Holverstott,
Chris Urquhart,
Deanne Wright,
Kim Burgess
CALL TO ORDER: 9:00 am
MINUTES: Approved as written. Wayne 1st, Chris 2nd
FINANCIAL REPORT: Approved as presented. Chris 1st, Kim 2nd
Grounds: Bid for lawn care was for 2012 and 2013. No new bid this year.
Maintenance: Wayne reported: Gutters and downspouts have been cleaned. Bid accepted to place gutters and drains under the balconies on building one to protect the units on the ground level. Work will proceed immediately. The urinal in the men's restroom in the club house has been repaired. Duane Vis is in the process of painting the outside doors on building H. Duane Vis has completed the scrapping and painting on the stair brackets.
NEW BUSINESS: Cathy reported on the contract with Attorney David Silver to advise us on the CCR changes, to assist us with our rental cap changes, and to advise us on stipends for the president and secretary/treasurer as was approved at the association's annual meeting in June, 2012.
The need to stay informed about the bream work and improvements along Birch Bay Drive was discussed.
Cathy discussed her pending absences and was assured that the Board would be able to continue with the business of the association.
ADJOURNMENT: 11:30 am. Next meeting January 19th
Carol Hassebrock, Secretary