November 16, 2013
President: Cathy Tepel
Vice President: Jim Morehouse
Secretary Kim Burgess
Treasurer: Carol Hassebrock
Board Members: Wayne Holverstott
Deanne Wright
Chris Urquhart (via conference call)
Call to order by President Cathy Tepel.
MINUTES: Motion made by Carol to approve the minutes as presented. 2nd by Chris. Approved.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Presented by Carol. Motion made by Wayne to accept as presented. 2nd by Deanne. Approved.
CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received regarding dogs doing their business on the lawn at the front of Building 1. Letter to be sent reminding all owners to walk dogs off property, keep on leash and to pick up after them.
Letter received from owner of unit in Building 1 that had water/mold damage. Repairs and cabinet replacement are complete. Board will wait to receive a bill before making a decision on reimbursement.
Maintenance: Workers are finished with Building 1.
Secondary rails have been installed on Building 1.
Duane advised he will not paint gutters on Building 1 as it’s not cost effective. Recommendation to replace all upper gutters instead.
Discussion regarding down spouts in front of Building 1. Will re-visit in the Spring to possiby replace with hinged downspouts.
Motion made by Carol to approve replacement of all upper gutters on Building 1 subject to approval of estimate obtained by Wayne.
Request to install second handrails on Building 2. Wayne will advise cost to the Board and project will be re-visited 2014.
Repaving of driveway will have to wait and budgeted for in 2014.
Grounds: Request to have bushes trimmed as they are beginning to block view from lower units. Deanne will have bushes trimmed as needed.
Estimate received to have mulch and Iron added to lawn and garden. Cost to be added to monthly payments. To be re-visited in March when doing the annual budget.
Sales: No sales.
Attorney: Discussion regarding dealings with our Attorney. Cathy and Carol propose to conclude our business with this lawyer and file documents on their own. All information required has been obtained to proceed.
Conference call set for December 6th.
Motion made by Wayne to close the relationship with the lawyer and settle our bill. 2nd by Deanne. Approved.
Berm: Discussion regarding research of property title to prove ½ ownership of beach to give us voting rights regarding the Berm Project.
Construction: Window replacement bid obtained in the amount of $3,056.60. Wayne will obtain a second bid and advise.
Motion made by Carol to finish the window project after second bid received and approved. 2nd by Chris. Approved.
Security: Cameras have been obtained and are in process of being installed.
Pool: The heater is out in the hot tub requiring replacement. Estimated cost of replacement is $5,000 - $7,000. Work to be completed once bids obtained and approved by Board.
Internet: Due to a delay in delivery, we are still waiting for installation of new internet equipment. Echo Wireless will send letters to all owners once equipment delivered and installed regarding subscription options.
Budget: Budget committee formed to include Cathy and Carol.
Notice will be sent to owners in January advising when the 2014 Budget will be adopted should anyone wish to speak to it.
Motion to adjourn by Carol. 2nd by Wayne. Approved.
Next meeting: January 18, 2013 at 9:00 am
Kimberli Burgess, Secretary