November 15, 2014


PRESIDENT:                       Cathy Tepel


VICE PRESIDENT:             Jim Morehouse


SECRETARY:                      Kim Burgess


TREASURER:                      Carol Hassebrock


BOARD MEMBERS:          Deanne Wright


ABSENT:                             Wayne Holverstott, Chris Urquhart


CALL TO ORDER:              9:00 AM


Call to order by President Cathy Tepel.


GUESTS:                             Harold Terpsta


                                             Advised issue with off-leash dog.


                                             Motion made by Carol to enter into Executive Meeting to discuss animal complaint.  2ND by Jim.  Approved


9:12                                     Entered into Executive Meeting


9:37                                     Out of Executive Meeting


                                             Report of incident with dog off-leash.  Reminder letter will be sent to dog owner by Cathy.


MINUTES:                          Motion made by Carol to approve the minutes as presented.  2nd by Deanne.  Approved.


FINANCIAL REPORT:       Treasurer Carol Hassebrock explained that two temporary transfers were made from the Insurance Fund (which is part of the General  Fund) to the Building Fund: June 25, 2014, $3,000; September 11, 2014, $10,000.  On September 18, 2014, $1,000 was transferred back to the Insurance Fund from the Building Fund.  After a discussion of the fund balances of each fund and understanding that the Insurance Fund has adequate money without the $12,000 being re-deposited and considering the need to build a reserve in the Building Fund for present and future repairs  Deanne moved and Kim seconded the motion to leave the remaining $12,000 in the Building Fund and change the transfers from temporary to permanent.  MC 4-0.  Approved.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT:   Cathy advised that the BBWARM Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on November 19th, 2014 from 6-8 pm at Station 62, 9001 Semiahmoo Parkway, Blaine, WA. 



Maintenance:    Cathy advised that Wayne made a new “condo for sale” sign as the old one blew away in the last storm.


Grounds:             The contract for the grounds maintenance is being put out to bid as our current contract expires Spring 2015.  Bids to be received by December 1, 2014.


Sales:                   Three units have been sold.




               Budget:                              Deferred to January 2015 meeting.



Completion:       All maintenance is complete except painting the caps.  Duane will finish as weather permits.


NEW BUSINESS:               Jim’s door is not closing completely.  Cathy will have Duane look at it.




Motion to adjourn by Jim.  2nd by Carol.  Approved.


ADJOURNMENT:              10:40 am


Next meeting:                   January 10, 2015 at 9:00 am







Kimberli Burgess, Secretary