Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, Nov 18, 2017
Call to order: 9am
Attendees: Wayne, Tom, Chris, Eric, Carol, Cathy, Deanne
Greet Guests-none
Cathy requested to add Guardian Security discussion to the agenda.
Correspondence –email from Sharon Tucker to be addressed below.
Minutes of Oct meeting as presented. Chris motion to approve minutes from October, Wayne 2nd. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Motion by Deanne to accept financial report, Chris 2nd. Approved.
Facility Report: Wayne Holverstott. Report presented. Shower doors and mirrors are being replaced in the changing rooms. Toilet paper dispensers are being replaced. Tim and Wayne have been watching gutter cleaning, they get plugged up due to seagulls dropping shells. Bike enclosure is progressing, costs are still under approved $2,000. Wayne has had leaks on his washer hoses that were replaced and Teflon tape was used on the connection. There may be issues with other units that owners need to be made aware of. Water heaters for most units are probably original and approaching their life span. May need to be replaced if it hasn’t been done yet. Many owners have used Ben the Plumber who has done a good job. Siding issues are being addressed. Wayne is thankful for the help that Tim Lynch has been providing to the community. Eric motion for an additional $500 for bike enclosure material, Deanne 2nd. Approved.
Grounds Report: Deanne Wright. Letter from owner requesting tree trimming in front of units on the south end of building 3. The tree is blocking the view. Deanne will have the tree trimmed as much as possible without damaging the tree in the spring. Plan to bark front and back gardens in spring.
President’s Report: Carol Hassebrock
Water damage in Bldg 3. There are 5 insurance companies involved. Carol gave an update on the damage and progress thus far.
Old Business:
Attorney has been engaged to address foreclosure on delinquent owner.
Property security was discussed.
Scupper discussion – Eric. It will take about $1,000 per location to get heat tracing to problem scupper areas on building 3. We will get a proposal from Nolan’s Roofing to fix the problem short and long term. We should also have someone cleaning the roof and checking the scuppers on a regular basis.
Patio doors Bldg 2. Owner will be advised to contact glass contractor to review the problem. Lyndale Glass is local.
Retaining wall and hill. We are planning to get an engineer out to review.
Clubhouse cleaning review. She is doing a great job.
Budget 2018. Board members to review property and suggest where improvements or repairs are needed. Email your thoughts to Carol for budget allocation.
Snow removal –When snow has accumulated on property, Wayne Holverstott, Tom Street and Tim Lynch will decide together when to call a company for snow removal.
New Business:
Upon request from one of the owners, a discussion on security cameras took place. The following was clarified by the Board. The Board will authorize monitoring of the security camera in the case of a report of vandalism, vehicle prowling, theft, etc. The cameras will not be used to enforce rules except in the case of egregious acts. Owners or tenants requesting information from the cameras should contact the Board through E-mail account - The person designated by the Board will review the security tapes. When the request is made for review, the date and time must be reported, as it takes much time to randomly view the dates as it is minute for minute, hour for hour. In general, the cameras video will be available for about 10-14 days. Motion made by Tom and seconded by Chris to adopt this clarification for video monitoring. Passed.
Motion made by Cathy, seconded by Deanne to ask Kathy Street if she would be responsible for monitoring the video when Ralph Tepel is not available. Motion Passed.
A discussion was held on the problems with garbage and recyclables being left outside the proper disposal bins. It was suggested that perhaps some of our owners cannot lift the bin covers to place the
garbage bags inside. Carol will make some inquiries.
Eric Hedges excused himself from the meeting as he had previous engagement. Carol continued with minute taking in Eric’s absence.
Cathy explained the new communication link we will have with Guardian Security. We will no longer use dedicated phone lines for our fire security system. A radio system is now in place. This will save the Association money. This option was offered to us when the phone systems had to be modified to comply with the requirement of area codes being added to the phone numbers for local calls.
Discussion was held on phone availability in pool/sauna area for 911 calls. Presently, there is only one phone available for such calls. That phone is in the clubhouse area between the racquet ball court and the main social room. Motion made by Cathy and seconded by Deanne to add a second phone inside the sauna area for 911 calls. MC. Cathy will contact Frontier and get the new phone installed.
Cathy moved and Chris seconded to authorize Carol Hassebrock to contract and sign documents with the office of J. Vandel for the audit of year ended December 31, 2017. Cost of audit is $2,800. MC.
Budget committee consisting of Cathy, Eric and Carol, with Chris as an alternate, will meet January 6th to build a budget for 2018. The committee will bring the proposed budget to the January Board meeting for Board review. Owners will be notified of the 2018 budget being discussed and finalized at the January Board meeting. Owners will be advised that a time will be allowed on the agenda for owner input on the Budget before finalization and adoption by the Board.
Motion by Deanne, seconded by Tom to not have a Board meeting in December. MC.
Motion by Wayne, seconded by Tom to adjourn. MC Time, 11:00 am
Next meeting January 20, 2018 at 9am in clubhouse.