Mariners Cove Association Board Regular Meeting
Minutes, November 10, 2018
Call to order: 9am
Carol, Cathy, Tom, Tim, Stacy, Chris, Eric
Greet Guests. None at 9:00.
Add agenda items from guests. None.
Minutes of October 2018 as E-mailed. Chris motion to approve. Eric second. Approved.
Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Chris motion to approve. Tom second. Approved.
Grounds Report and Facilities Report: Tim Lynch. Building 3 alarms issues resolved. Backflow valve in front of building 2 replaced by Ben the Plumber, Guardian has reconnected and will send report to BBWS. Water off bank is fixed, drain line is rerouted to rain basin, our French drain system has been cleaned out by Heron Valley for total cost of $770.35, Gary Van Zanten excavation cost $1706.59. Sidewalk ramps have been grouted where sidewalk is coming up. Update on bids for removal of grass cut outs in front of building 2. Tim has received four bids. Eric motion that we direct Tim to proceed with North County to perform the work for the amount of $2,494.18 not including tax. Chris second. Approved. Hot tub repairs, bid from Aqua Island Tech to repair leak at header manifold. Tim motion to proceed with repair option from Aqua Island in the amount of $2,000. Stacy second. Approved. Wimbush had trees in front of building 3 trimmed. Building 1 has a leak in the roof. Nolan roofing is coming this Monday to repair. A couple of trees that need to be removed north of the sport court. Tim is getting a bid to remove. Update on locks for bike shelter.
Old Business:
1. Dog relief station, Stacey.
2. Action from facilities/grounds report. Noted above.
3. Report from budget committee, 2019 Cathy Tepel
4. Discussion on proposed budget. Motion by Chris to accept the proposed budget and hold a special meeting on December 1st to ratify the proposed budget. Eric second. Approved.
5. Recommendation to raise dues by $30 a month.
6. Tree trimming bay side Building 3 invoice and action. No action by the board required. Trees are not on the property and action was taken by owner on their own.
New Business:
1. Action from facilities/grounds report. See above.
2. Budget Committee,
3. Landscape Contract bids
4. Other
Executive Session: Entered at 10:40.
Action from Executive Session: None required.
Eric motion for adjournment at 11:01AM. Second by Chris. Approved. Next regular meeting, Saturday, January 12th, 9AM. Special budget meeting at 9:00AM on Saturday, December 1st to ratify the budget.