Mariners Cove Association Board November 9, 2019




Call to Order:  9 am.


Attendees: Tim, Chris, Carol, Eric


Greet Guests: None


Minutes from October meeting. Motion to approve by Chris, second by Eric.


Correspondence: None.


Financial Report: Carol Hassebrock. Motion by Chris, second by Tim to accept financial report. Approved.


2020 Budget discussion.

Motion by Chris to move $7,000 from foreclosure income currently held in deposit account to general fund and remainder in the amount of $16,128.76 to building fund. Second by Tim. Approved.


Motion by Eric to approve proposed budget for presentation to owners at board meeting on January 4th, 2020. Second by Tim. Approved.


Motion by Tim to change name of Building Fund to Capital Reserve Fund. Second by Chris. Approved.


Report from Tim: Roof update. Light bulbs. Camera installation.


Old Business:


            Attorney reports concerning renters, CCR changes, Policies and Rules. Tabled.


New Business:


Motion by Chris, second by Eric to have Tim to proceed with procuring three bids to replace roof on clubhouse, sport court and pool. Current roof is 40 years old. Approved.


Discussion regarding employee sick and vacation time as required by law. Carol is researching, no action at this time.


Executive Session:  None.


Other Business: None.

Next meeting January 4, 2020 at 9:00AM


Motion to adjourn at 10:45am by Tim. Chris second. Approved.