Mariners Cove Association Board  November 21, 2020




Call to Order:  9 am

Attendees: Jamie onder, Chris Urquhart, Brooks Friedland, Ralph Tepel, Carol Hassebrock, Felecia Sutton, Eric Hedges.




 Minutes:  Eric October minutes as e-mailed, Motion to approve October minutes by Eric, second by Chris. Approved.


 Financial Report: Carol


Motion to approve financial report as presented by Chris, second by Eric. Approved.


Old Business:


            Facilities and grounds report:  Ralph

-          Sprinkler Replacement

-          Inspections.

-          Team to look at balcony rot, smoke and co2 detectors, water heaters, toilets

-          Water stain in ceiling of unit 227 which may be related to leakage and water issues in the kitchen of 235.



Reports from CA workshops: Felecia. Carol, Ralph.

Report emailed to board by Felecia. Felecia will put together a draft emergency response plan. Discussion re: smoking of cigarettes or marijuana in public or private areas. Discussion re: reserve study.


            2021 Budget discussion

            Dues assessment needs discussion

                        Capital reserve needs for 2021



New Business: 

-          Ice melt.

-          Roof inspection/cleaning. Board to research possible use of drone whether we purchase one or hire it out.

-          South end of parking lot water issues. Brooks volunteered to monitor the drain in the south parking lot and keep it cleared of debris. In the event of a king tide and potential storm surge this area can flood.


Other business: Felecia to send out newsletter ideas and reference building representatives. Building 1- Felecia, Building 2- Brooks, Building 3- Jamie or Ralph


 Next meeting…Dec 12 at 9:00AM to review the budget. 

Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn by Eric at 11:04, second by Carol. Approved.