Mariners Cove Association Board

Minutes  November 6, 2021


Call to Order:  9 am


Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Jamie Ponder, Brooks Friedland, Sandi Mehl, Steve Wimbush, Carol Hassebrock.  Excused Absence:  Felecia Sutton


Correspondence: Email from John Templeton


 Minutes: Motion to approve September minutes as e-mailed by Steve, second by Brooks. Approved.


 Financial Report: Motion to approve financial report as e-mailed by Jamie, second by Sandi.  Approved. 


Committee Reports:

Grounds, Jamie reported 1. contract for snow removal etc.  2. work with Forsbergs on landscaping request.

            Facilities, Brooks

                        Report on VanderGriend concerning window/patio glass.    

            Sales, Ralph Unit 239 will be closing within a few days.


Old Business:

Discussed need to have handyman on payroll.  Brooks is to contact potential person and report back to Board.

Authorized Board members on the property to decide whether to initiate call out for snow removal, etc.  Board members, Jamie, Brooks, Sandi, Ralph.


New Business: 

Ralph appointed Steve, Carol, and Ralph to serve on the 2022 budget committee.  They are to prepare and present proposed budget to the Board at December meeting.  At the January 2022, meeting the floor will be open to owners for comment and suggestions for the proposed 2022 budget. Email will be sent to owners encouraging them to attend.


Executive Session entered at 10:07AM.

Back to open session at 10:30 AM.   Carol will write a letter to concerned owner explaining the organization of Mariners Cove Association and the Association’s Board.

Motion to adjourn by Sandi, seconded Brooks  Approved.    10:45 AM.


Next meeting December 11, 2021.       Carol Hassebrock, Secretary