Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Agenda

November 8, 2024   7:30 pm  Zoom


Call to Order:  7:30 pm via Zoom

Attendees: Sandi Mehl, Kathleen Ashburn, Jamie Ponder, Carol Hassebrock, Ralph Tepel, Moe Scharhon.  Absent:  Steve Wimush

Greet guests: Katy Montfort, Tom Bakken, Don Graham, John Templeton, Eric Hedges


Minutes of October 25, 2024 board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve by Carol Hassebrock, second by Sandi Mehl. Motion carries.

Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve by Carol Hassebrock, second by Jamie Ponder. Motion carries.


Committee Reports:


             Lawn/grounds:  Jamie Ponder


Old Business:

            Gutters. Intention is to award to Whatcom Gutter and Roof Cleaning. Motion by Jamie Ponder to increase contract amount to $5,200 to include roof cleaning, second by Kathleen Ashburn. Motion carries.

            BOI Report (FINCEN Requirement). Complete

            Dogs & Dog Park. Tabled.

Clubhouse Cleaning. Ralph sent an email to see if any residents would like to do the clubhouse cleaning. Tom volunteered to take the position. Ralph will leave the position open a little longer to see if there are any other interested parties.

            Storage Unit Thermometers. Email sent regarding installation in storage units. They will be installed within the next week or two.

            Vestibule Sprinklers. Ralph explained the temporary door concept for the vestibules to be installed when weather requires.

Winterization Letter.  The winterization letter will be updated to include information about the new Bluetooth thermometers in the storage lockers and need to ensure heat is on in the downstairs bathrooms in upper units in Bldg 3 during extreme cold weather

            Budget. Budget Committee will meet at 3:00 pm on Nov 10.



New Business

            Driveway Lights – Christina Brewer provided an update on possible driveway light replacement.  Currently looking at 16 lights, though it was suggested that we look to go with fewer lights due to cost.

            Pool Dehumidifier.  The north dehumidifier (EBAC) is currently out of service due to a fan failure.  LSM has located a replacement fan and is scheduled to come out on Monday to replace the fan.



Executive Session:   


            Executive Session   Start 9:00 pm

Out of Executive Session:  9:09 pm. No Action from Executive Session.


Other Business:


Adjournment:    Motion to adjourn by Moe Scharhon, second by Kathleen Ashburn.  Carried.  Adjourned at 9:20 pm


Next Meeting:  December 13, 2024.