Mariners Cove Association Board

Minutes  December 11, 2022


Call to Order:  9 am


Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Jamie Ponder, Brooks Friedland, Steve Wimbush, Carol Hassebrock.  Excused Absence:  Felecia Sutton, Sandi Mehl


Guest:  John Templeton #233


Correspondence:  none


 Minutes: Motion to approve November minutes as e-mailed, by Steve, second by Brooks. Approved.


 Financial Report: Motion to approve financial report as e-mailed by Steve, second by Brooks.  Approved. 


Committee Reports:

Grounds, Jamie reported:  We have a contract with Management Services Northwest for snow removal for 2022.   2. Bushes trimmed at 229 to allow easier access between unit’s two patios. 

Facilities, Brooks reported:  Patio glass replacement for units 233, 227, and 244.  Vandergriend will measure and order glass panels.  Brooks will coordinate with owners of those units and Vandergriends for placement of glass.  As discussed earlier, Board authorized Brooks to hire Daniel ______ for $30 an hour to do general maintenance on as needed basis.  Motion Carol, Second Brooks  MC.


Old Business:

            Flood Damage:  Ralph reported on flood damage to the five lower units in Building 1.  Because of the large amount of rain, the King tide and the runoff from the hill, Birch Bay Water and Sewer had a failure in their sewer lines.  Water was forced into Building I lower units.  We are working with our flood insurance (Wright Insurance), Nationwide Insurance and with Birch Bay Water and Sewer District’s Insurance.  There was also overflow into the pool and hot tub area.  The ground water forced the hot tub out of the ground.  Both the pool and hot tub are closed until the areas can be sanitized by a commercial company.  Northwest Professionals responded during the initial flooding, pumped water out and placed dehumidifiers and air movers in units and clubhouse.  Because of the county-wide flooding, Northwest Professionals were not able to continue with the mitigating of damages.  The Board is looking for other companies to mitigate.

            Pool Cover:  As discussed by email the Board voted to not use a pool blanket to control the humidity in the pool and sauna area.  This decision was based on recommendations from Whatcom County Health Department. Motion by Carol, Second Jamie.  MC.



2022 Budget:  The budget committee consisting of Ralph Tepel, Carol Hassebrock and Steve Wimbush presented the committee’s recommendations for the 2022 budget.  Steve Wimbush presented information on the need to increase the Reserve Fund to provide for short and long-term capital improvements and repairs. The budget committee recommended a $25 monthly increase in the General Fund dues and a $50 monthly increase for the Reserve Fund assessment to be collected starting with the 2nd quarter. Motion by Carol, Second by Brooks.  MC.  Owners will be informed of the Board’s recommendations for the 2022 budget and be given the opportunity to ask questions and to speak for or against the proposed budget at the Board’s  regular meeting, January 15th.  An email will be sent to all owners along with a copy of the proposed 2022 budget and inviting them to participate in the open floor budget discussion.


New Business:  none presented


Other Business: Guest John Templeton will look into availability and costs of a new hot tub.


Motion to adjourn by Carol, seconded Brooks  MC   11:35 AM.


Next meeting January 15, 2022       Carol Hassebrock, Secretary