Mariners Cove Condominium Association

Regular Board Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2023   9:00 am  Zoom


Call to Order:  9:00 am via Zoom

Attendees: Ralph Tepel, Steve Wimbush, Sandi Mehl, Felecia Sutton, Kathleen Ashburn, Eric Hedges

Greet guests:


Minutes of October 21, 2023 Board Meeting board meeting as emailed. Motion to approve by Steve Wimbush, second by Sandi Mehl. Motion approved.

Financial Report as emailed. Motion to approve by Sandi Mehl, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion approved.


Committee Reports:

            Facilities:  Unit 224 balcony repair complete.

             Lawn/grounds:  None.


Old Business:

            Trees impacting views – Tabled

            Vestibule Sprinkler Repair. No report from Evergreen yet.

            Insurance Renewal. We are still talking to Farmer’s, their proposal was preliminarily $20,000 less than our current policy. Farmer’s price can change pending their inspection and their response to our questions. Farmer’s deductible for water damage is $100,000 so we will be self insuring for any water damage.

            Proposed Budget. Motion to approve the 2024 budget by Felecia Sutton, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion approved.

Motion by Steve Wimbush to assess $785 to each owner for repayment of the building fund that was used to pay the 2024 insurance premium down payment, second by Felecia Sutton. Motion approved.


New Business

            Board Vacancy. Motion by Eric Hedges to appoint Kathleen Ashburn to the open board position for the balance of the term which ends at the annual meeting, second by Steve Wimbush. Motion approved.



Executive Session:


Out of Executive Session:  Action from Executive Session.


Next Meeting:  January 20, 2024.


Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 10:08 AM by Eric Hedges, second by Sandi Mehl. Motion approved.