Board Members:  Carol Hassebrock, president; Cathy Tepel, vice-president; Eric Hedges, Secretary; Stacy Famellos, Treasurer; Tim Lynch, Chris Urquhart, board members.

(Cathy Tepel, Eric Hedges absent with proxy)


9:15-9:30-           Registration


Call to Order:  9:30 am.   by President Carol Hassebrock

1.        Certification of meeting by Chris Urquhart  (26 for quorum) 30 members and proxies registered.  Moved and seconded to certify meeting.  MC.

2.       Board members were introduced.

3.       New owners were introduced

4.       Presentation of June 2019 annual meeting agenda.  Nothing was added to the agenda.  Moved to approve agenda by Tim Lynch, seconded by Bill Henshaw.  MC

Old Business:

1.       Presentation of June 2018 annual meeting minutes (mailed in advance to members) for review and approval.  No addition/corrections.  Motion to accept by Bill Henshaw, seconded by Gary Haveman.  MC

2.       Financial report/presentation of 2019 budget by Carol Hassebrock.  Reviewed.  Motion to approve by Chris Urquhart, seconded by Tim Lynch.  MC

3.       Review of information mailed to owners with annual notice.  Discussion/clarification as requested.

4.       Birch Bay Berm Project update.  Tim Lynch attended a recent berm meeting.  There is good support and the berm project is anticipated to begin fall 2019.  It is expected to be completed in one long session.  Tim also reviewed other projects such as drainage by the back retaining wall, moss cleaning, Building 2, and landscaping update, Pet Park.  No major problems/repairs are foreseen.

5.       Future Projects:  Building 3 some railings need to be replaced because of rot. Painting the South wall of building 3.   Building I, rebuild and secure stair brackets.  Replace/upgrade our outdated security system.  Dead trees by tennis court will be removed.  Fence on south side of property needs repaired or replaced.  Roof over clubhouse, racquet ball court, and pool room needs replaced.

New Business:

Election for three open board member position.  Eric Hedges and Tim Lynch have agreed to let their names stand.  Christina Brewer has allowed her name to be brought forward.  There were no other nominations from the floor.  Nominations closed.  Katy Montfort moved to accept the stated slate of these three nominees and approve by acclamation.  Bill Henshaw seconded.  MC

Adjournment:   10:45  Motion to Adjourn by Nancy Stull, second by Sharon Tucker.  MC

Chris Urquhart Acting Secretary for Eric Hedges

(As per CCRs, new Board will meet immediately following the annual meeting.  Owners welcome.)