Approved Mariner Cove Feb. 19, 2005 Minutes


Feb 19th 2005 Board Meeting called to order 9:00 A.M.


                Those present              Ken Russell President
                                                  Carol Hassebrock Treasurer
                                                  Peter Van Der Zalm Secretary
                                                  Anne Van Der Zalm

                Absent                        Deanne Wright

                Homeowners present   None


Old Business:

1.. Review and approve of January Minutes
Approved as written.

2.. January 17, 2005 failure of Birch Bay Sewer and Water system.
The 5 bottom units in Phase 1 and the clubhouse had damage from the Birch Bay Sewer and Water system. The Board and unit owners will proceed with claims to recapture expenses. 

3.. PM Construction
The Board agreed to pay PM to avoid any further conflict.


New Business:

1.. Grounds maintenance
The Board has agreed to start maintenance March 1, 2005

2.. Entry repairs #231, #230, #232
Board agrees that the quality of work by ABC Contracting has been very good and we are happy with the progress.

3.. Water usage
#207, #208, #209, #213, #216 are using an large volumes of water, approximatly 3 times the average of other units. Harlan will be asked to investigate and report back to the Board.

4.. Insurance report
Snapper Schuller letter of recommendations was presented to the Board. The Board will respond appropriately. A letter will be sent to all units with the recommendations. Harlan will be asked to rectify any concerns in common property.

5.. Treasury report
Given and accepted.

6.. Assessment and dues
The Board agreed that an emergency assessment to do the repairs to Phase 1 that were discovered in January was the only option available. The repairs had to be done to protect the building integrity. The amount of the assessment will be $500.00, to be billed with the quarterly statement.
Carol motioned to vote on the above.
Ken seconded
Vote was unanimous.

7.. Mariner Cove will register a domain on the web. The cost of registration will be paid by donation from the existing board members for the first year. Ken will continue to donate server space and to host the web site.


Meeting Adjourned