Mariners Cove HOA
Approved minutes for April 16th, 2005 Board Meeting
Those present
Ken Russell President
Deanne Wright Vice President
Carol Hassebrock Treasurer
Anne Van Der Zalm
Those absent: Peter Van Der Zalm Secretary
Homeowners present: None
Called to order:9:00 A.M.
Old Business
1.. Review and approve of March Minutes
2.. Insurance Loss Control Recommendations
Electrical panel clear space-DONE
Electrical panel circuit breaker covers missing-DONE
Electrical panel/disconnect switch circuit marking-DONE
Flammable storage cabinet-DONE (flammables removed)
Sprinkler system design information-Investigating
Sprinkler system requires annual testing/service-DONE
Water heaters not strapped/braced-DONE
3.. Annual Audit
We are waiting on an engagement letter from John L O Brien & Company, PLC. Ken will follow up
4.. Assessment needs (reserve needs, and current repair needs, etc. We need to keep working on this to have a firm statement for the annual meeting.)
New Business:
1.. Treasurers report.
Treasurers’ report given.
2.. Roofing needs
Will inspect the clubhouse/pool roof to see what level of repairs will be made
3.. Lawn Care
Approved thatching, reseed, and fertilize of the complex lawns. J&J Lawn and Landscape’s bid of $1,250.00 was accepted. Peter will inform them to proceed.
4.. Discuss Buying/Selling Concerns (This would include: Directions and clarification of responsibilities to sellers. Clarification in writing of dues owed at closing. Welcome letter or visit to new owners, etc.)
Agreement to adopt clarification of public offering statement, page 5 paragraph marked 13 of the public offering statement.
5.. Discuss changing fiscal year to coincide with annual meeting. (I think we are supposed to have membership approval of budget.)
Carol made motion to keep as is.
Deanne seconded the motion.
Vote unanimous
6.. Initial plans for annual meeting. Assign responsibilities. Nomination committee? etc. Letter announcing meeting. Agenda, etc
Initial plans were made.
7..Suggestion box.
Niebor letter read to the board. Carol will respond
Wendy Wampler letter read to the board. Peter will contact J&J Lawn & Landscaping.
8..Next scheduled meeting.
Rescheduled to May 7 @ 8:00 A.M. |