Mariners Cove Condominium Board of Directors Meeting

April 22, 2006 at 9:00 AM

Attending: Carol Hasselbrock, Greg Bistline, Jim Morehouse, Arlyn Plagerman, Deanne Wright, Anne Van Der Zahm

Guests Attending: Katie Mont fort, Nancy Stull, Mark Sowers

Minutes for March 18, 2006 meeting were reviewed. M/S/P

Special meeting minutes for March 25, 2006 meeting were reviewed.  M/S/P

Nancy Stull asked about the feasibility of a bike rack in the open space adjacent to the pool.  Board will look into possibilities.

Mark Sowers posed questions and suggestions surrounding the ongoing review of the bookkeeping auditing.  Carol noted the legal advice the Board has received from the attorney working on behalf of the association and what plans the Board is following as a result of that advice.

Arleen then reviewed the monthly financial report.  Further discussion on the bookkeeping auditing was conducted and recommendation to close the present bank accounts and open new accounts to protect the association.  Motion to approve by Greg.  2nd by Deanne.  M/S/P.

Arlyn continued by reporting for Wayne and update on the buildings maintenance.  Discussion on the deck repair project occurred.  Carol encouraged Arlyn to pursue a bid on a company he suggested for acquiring a bid on deck repair.

Deanne reported on the grounds.  She provided two bids on lawn maintenance bark project for consideration.  It was noted that the board was in favor of this project, but asked for this project to be placed on hold while the board is reviewing the bookkeeping audit and waiting on a clearer financial picture.

Jim reported on community meetings that may be of interested to the Association.

Discussion and update on unused vehicles on property was conducted.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM .