April 17, 2010 BOARD MEETING

President:                     Cathy Tepel
Vice President:              Jim Morehouse
Treasurer:                     Carol Hassebrock
Secretary/Recording/     Janet Russell
Resale Certificate:
Maintenance:                Wayne Holverstott
Member:                       Deanne Wright

ABSENTEES:           Wayne Holverstott


CORRESPONDENCE: Unit 216 requests a satellite dish.

Carol Hassebrock motioned to approve the request. Jim Morehouse seconded. All in favor.

MINUTES: March 2010, accepted as presented. All in favor

FINANCIAL REPORT: Reviewed by Carol. Budget/financial reports approved.


  • Back landing on phase 3 is complete.
  • One balcony is done, one is nearly completed and one more is left to do. Work is to be completed within 10 days.

  • Caulking needs to be completed for phase 3 and the clubhouse.

  • During work on a unit it was discovered that a significant amount of lint was in the dryer vent, which may be a hazard. Vents need to be cleaned. Bids will be requested to clean the vents.

  • Water leakage in phase 1 has been fixed.

  • Pool cover needs to be replaced.

  • Leak in the pool. Maintenance will fix the problem.

  • Driveway pressure washing, striping and sealing – 3 bids were given. Decision to move forward was deferred.

    2.   GROUNDS:
  • Dependable Lawn service is doing a good job; but per the agreement lawn cutting needs to be moved from Wednesday to Thursday. Deanne will speak to them.
    3.   SALES:
  • Three units are for sale. No sales this month



CCRs Update:

  • Changes to CCRs were reviewed and changes to them were made and will be presented at the June Annual Meeting.

Pool -Signs installed on the pool doors:

  • Done.

Extra fee for renters:

  • Discussion was deferred.



Future Assessment:

  • Schedule a committee meeting to discuss future assessment.

Pool Key:

  • A notice will go out for the June annual meeting stating that Homeowners are to bring their pool key(s) to have them rekeyed.

Unit Keys.

  • Due to the fact that some Homeowners have changed their unit locks a single master key no longer works for all units. The units are out of compliance with the CCRs. As part of a resale there will be a ($75.00 removed) charge to rekey. Information regarding this situation will be addressed in the annual meeting letter.

Executive Meeting. Half hour

Adjournment: 12:00 pm

Next meeting is May 15th at 9:00 am.

Janet Russell, Secretary