SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MAY 30, 2009 AT 8:30AM PURPOSE: To discuss the offer from Birch Bay Water and Sewer District's Risk Management Pool for the settlement and reimbursement of damage claims for the December 2007 flood incident involving Birch Bay Resort Park. DIRECTORS
PRESENT: Carol Hassebrock ABSENT: Wayne Holverstott MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 8:30am Carol presented the offer from BBW&SD Risk Management Pool for $41,454.02. The original claim was for $46,305.27. A discussion followed. The disallowed items were lawyer’s fees and depreciation of flooring. Deanne motioned that we accept the offer from BBW&SD Risk Management Pool for $43,826.00. Arlyn seconded. All in favor. Arlyn motioned to authorize the President, Carol Hassebrock and Secretary, Cathy Tepel to sign the settlement agreement for the December 2007 flood incident. Janet seconded. All in favor MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:30 am ______________________ Secretary, Cathy Tepel |