August 9,2003

PRESENT: Nancy Stull, Ken Russell, Daun Botta Pillo, Marianne Shotwell-Sowers, Mark Simard, George Emmett and Facilities Administrator Mark Sowers.

ABSENT:  Larry Kosterewa

Meeting convened at 9:00 am, Nancy Stull presiding.

MOTION: By Mark Simard to table the minutes of July 12, 2003 until the next meeting because Board had had no opportunity to review.  Seconded by Ken Russell.  Passed.


1.  On Wed., August 6th, at approximately 10:00 am, a car driven by a resident at inappropriate speed collided with a parked car in the parking lot, propelling it into an adjacent parked car, resulting in extensive damage to all three vehicles.  Matter reported to the Sheriff...Discussion resulted in Board consensus that Mark Simard would research cost of speed bumps for parking lot roadway.

2.  The last semi-monthly water bills were $1,044 for Phase 2, $933 for Phase 3, and $1,039 for Phase 1 (which includes pool and clubhouse).  Irrigation H2O bill for the period was $900.  Discussion on ways to reduce these expenditures resulted in consensus that residents, particularly in Phase 2, should be made aware of the need to conserve.  Grounds irrigation will be discontinued earlier than previously, on or before Sept. 1st.

3.  All April bidders for proposed deck repairs have withdrawn their bids due to other work. Alternatives were discussed.

4. Possible lawsuit over injuries incurred by a tenant who fell on stairway.  MOTION: By George, seconded by Nancy, to direct our attorney to draft appropriate reply to letter from tenant’s attorney.  Passed unanimously.

5.  Water damage re: pipe breakage, Unit 229: Bills presently total $4,414.  Facilities Administrator will forward bills to contractor responsible, (Nancy abstaining)

6.  All owner dues are current through September.

7.  Effective later in the year, billing and accounting will be handled out-of-house, resulting in reduced F.A. compensation and a net saving to M.C.

8.  Incidents of fecal contamination of the pool and unauthorized use. Board discussion resulted in informal consensus to require sign-in for all users, and possible age guidelines.

9. Facilities Admin. will present written outline of his functions to the Board within two weeks.

Budget: By Treasurer: Checking account: $43,715.56.  $3,000 lawsuit settlement from TeriYaki Cafe moved to Reserve Fund.

Security Fence:: Ken to get comparative installed prices of steel & aluminum security fencing.

Refuse Collection:  Residents are reminded to BREAK OPEN AND FLATTEN cardboard boxes and deposit them in dumpsters.  We are charged excessively for collection of items left outside dumpsters.

Carports:  George presented proposals for future construction of limited number of conjoined carports in parking lot to accommodate owners willing to pay for construction of covered assigned parking stalls.  Motive: Revenues from subscribing owners would bring our depleted cash reserves back to health without need to deplete our operating budget, while providing added value to units purchasing them.  Board will research legal and technical issues before presenting proposal to owners at a future meeting.

Insurance:  Administrator Mark Sowers will try to obtain paperwork from builders of Phase 3 to enable us to obtain insurance credit for sprinklers...Dawn will attempt to find better terms for our present insurance.

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.