August 1, 2009 BOARD MEETING


President:                                 Cathy Tepel
Vice President:                         Jim Morehouse
Treasurer:                                 Carol Hassebrock
Secretary/Recording/                Janet Russell
Resale Certificate:                    
Maintenance:                            Wayne Holverstott
Grounds:                                  Deanne Wright

ABSENTEES:                        Wayne Holverstott
                                                Deanne Wright

GUESTS:                                Gerri Taylor

CORRESPONDENCE:        One letter regarding trees in back of phase III.  It appears the trees may be diseased.  Request to have Deanne contact the landscapers.

MINUTES:                            Accepted as presented. 

FINANCIAL REPORT:        Discussed by Carol Hassebrock.  Read and approved.  Re-look at Insurance fund and possibly readjust. 


    • Board previous agreed to a minimum of 2 bids per job.  Upheld at August 1st meeting.
  2. GROUNDS: 

·        No updates.

  1. SALES:

·        No updates


  1. Reserve Study Financing.

·        On August 4th they will be out for a site visit. 

  1. Fire Safety Check.

·        Completed.  The Board thanked Jim Morehouse for handling it.

  1. Smoke detector and equipment for Bldg. 1.

·        Jim Morehouse met with the Fire Marshal, who did not have any firm recommendations regarding escape from the upper units. 

·        Jim Morehouse will check into the number of smoke detectors needed for units that currently do not have them, especially phase I.  Cathy Tepel will check on bulk rate.

  1. Insurance.
    • Mariner’s Cove insurance is primary liability. The owner picks up amount over payment by insurance. Cathy Tepel informed the Board that individual homeowner’s insurance policy might have a rider for condo insurance.  The Condo insurance deductable can be passed on to the owners if a claim is required.  In return, the owner’s individual insurance can be used to pay the insurable claim assessment.


1.  Pool recommendations.

·        Cathy Tepel brought to the Board a proposal from Aqua Island Technologies for pool inspection and on-going maintenance.  Each regular maintenance trip would be $85.00.  A motion given by Deanne Wright.  Seconded by Janet Russell

2.  Parking of Recreational Vehicles.

·        The Board reviewed the CCRs.  Ten spots will be designated at a later date.

·        It appears that a small utility trailer has been abandoned at the south end of the parking lot.  The Board has made several attempts to find its owner.  The Board declared that the small utility trailer at the south end of the parking lot must be removed by September 30, 2009 or it will be removed – final notice.

Payment of assessment:

·        Nine homeowners have not paid.  Two partial payments were requested.

·        Water:  No update

Next meeting September 19, 2009                             Janet Russell, Secretary