August 22, 2009 Mariner’s Cove Homeowners’ Association Emergency Meeting - Concerning Building III.


President:                                 Cathy Tepel
Vice President:                         Jim Morehouse
Treasurer:                                 Carol Hassebrock
Secretary/Recording/                Janet Russell
Resale Certificate:                    
Maintenance:                            Wayne Holverstott
Member:                                  Deanne Wright

Meeting called to order at 9:00 am by President Cathy Tepel.  18 units were represented.

Cathy Tepel and Wayne Holverstott introduced building III concerns.  Contractors Dan Toronchuk and his associate Rick were introduced to explain the constructual concerns, cause of damage, solution options, etc.

Homeowner’s were informed that the decks on the West side of Building III were not built well.  Due to the poor design, improper flashing and unorthodox construction methods, water damage has occurred causing damage to several unit decks. 

Recommendation by Dan is to replace the vinyl flooring with a synthetic deck – Timber Tech.  The Timber Tech deck has a 25 year warranty and maintenance is minimal.  Difference in cost between vinyl and synthetic is approximately an additional $300.00 per deck.  Cost per deck is approximately $1,800 for materials only.  Four decks need new decking with a possibility of one more. 

Additional recommendation by Dan is yearly maintenance of decks including calking around the building exterior.

Building III Railings

  • Options to replace the railings on building III were discussed.  Dan Toronchuk's recommendation was to replace the railings with metal railings vs. wood.  Recommendation based on lower cost and low maintenance.  Total cost:  $850 for straight decks, and $1450 for corner decks.  Only the main deck’s railings would be replaced.

 Assessment Repairs Status:

  • Cathy Tepel reviewed the Assessment Repairs Status.    Balance as of August 20, 2009 was $32,485.94 and committed $15,582.00.   Balance after paid and committed $16,903.94.  Eight homeowners have not yet paid their assessment ($2,000 per homeowner) giving an additional $16,000.  

The amount for the four damaged decks and railings in building III is approximately $50,000.  Homeowners agreed to have the Board move forward on necessary action. 

Reserve Study:

  • Status of Reserve Study was given.  Reserve Study should be to the Board by September 18, 2009.

Comments from the floor:

·        Peter VanDerZalm:  Need continuous maintenance plan.  Wait until spring so all Homeowner’s can come up with money for an assessment.  Bad weather may affect the costs.  It was recognized that there were not enough homeowners' present to make a quorum

  • Mrs. Carrington:  Encouraged the Board to make a final decision on costs.

Cathy Tepel thanked the participation of the Homeowners and informed them of the Board Meeting after the meeting.  Homeowners were welcomed to stay.

Emergency Board Meeting:

  • Motion by Carol Hassebrock to proceed with synthetic deck product on any Building III deck(s) that are in need of repair.   Do other decks as needed.  Second by Wayne.
  • Motion by Deanne Stone Wright to install the glass railings on all main floor decks in Building III.  Second by Wayne.

Board adjourned at 11:25am                Secretary:  Janet Russell