Mariners Cove Condominium Board of Directors Meeting
September 17, 2005 at 9:00 AM

Attending: Carol Hasselbrock, Greg Bistline, Jim Morehouse, Arlyn Plagerman, Deanne Stone, Anne Van Der Zahm

Minutes for August 27, 2005 meeting were reviewed. M/S/P

Review of car port information and survey as presented by owner George Emmett. Motion by Arlyn, seconded by Anne, carried 5-1. Board does not want to pursue carports at this time. A letter will be sent to Mr. Emmett informing him of the Board decision.

Review of Treasure’s Report by Arlyn. Discussion by the board. Arlyn to follow up with Bookkeeping Solutions on inquires brought up by members.

Discussion on the status of the deck repairs by A.B.C. Construction. Three decks will be completed in the near future.

A letter from resident Sharon Roy asking for feedback on proposal to do remodeling at her unit was presented. Members agreed that Sharon could not make any improvements that might affect any part of the outside of the complex, but approved inside improvements as long as it does not affect the structure component of the complex. Plans must be approved by licensed engineer and work must be done by licensed and bonded contractor. Plans to be presented to Board for final approval before work begins.

Deanne gave a report on the property grounds. The signage is up around the complex. She noted that there needs to be some external landscaping improvements around 3rd phase, which was approved by the board, as well as scheduling a fall fertilizing of the total grounds in preparation for next spring.

The board discussed information on sewer research. It was proposed that Stremler Gravel Inc. would contract Jepson Engineering to review plans for sewer improvements. M/S/P.

Discussion was brought forth on rental agreements within the complex and what the CC & Rs and by-laws state regarding owners renting their condo. It was reiterated that an annual lease must be in place to a renter from an owner and that an addendum will be sure to be added to any condos who are being sold.

Arlyn noted he will be gathering bids for the 2005 auditors report.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM.