September 19, 2009 BOARD MEETING

President:                               Cathy Tepel
Vice President:                        Jim Morehouse
Treasurer:                              Carol Hassebrock
Secretary/Recording/               Janet Russell
Resale Certificate: 
Maintenance:                         Wayne Holverstott
Grounds:                                Deanne Wright


GUESTS:                             Anne VanderZalm

One letter regarding the leaking of water from unit #246’s deck onto lower unit. Cathy will talk to Dan. 

Letter from Homeowner that they did not receive notice of the assessment. 

MINUTES: Accepted as presented. 


Discussed by Carol Hassebrock. Working capital for 3rd quarter is $5,066.96. 

Three assessments remain unpaid.

One homeowner is in arrears for payment of dues. Action will pursue.

Financial reports read and approved. 


Building 3 needs caulking. Cost will be approximately $2300.00. 

Need to look at cleaning gutters and sweeping roofs for all buildings. 

Look at Building 3 pipes to determine if insulation was properly installed. If not, action will need to be taken. 

To complete the boat and bike rack for the shed materials will cost approximately $1,000.00. Also, materials from Building 3 work will be used. Total construction for the shed is $3,973.68.

Motioned to authorize the expenditure of the $1,000.00 was given by Carol Hassebrock. Seconded by Deanne Wright.

Discussion was held on the proposed new Northstar contract and the work they will perform from November – February; such as, clean pavements and sidewalks, and ensure sprinkler system is working properly and general clean up. Deanne will talk to the landscapers. 

Motion to accept the new contract was given by Wayne Halverstott. Seconded by All. 

Water run off from trailer park above the condos may be sewage water. If necessary the problem will be taken to the Health Department for testing. 

3. Pool:
Aqua Island Technologies gave an estimate of $1,000 to clean and maintain the mechanics. They will be asked to attend the October meeting to discuss what is needed. 


No updates


1.Reserve Study 
The Reserve Study was received and presented at the meeting. Discussion will be deferred to the October 31st Board Meeting to give the Board additional time to review the study. Bill Henshaw attended a conference on behalf of the Board at an agenda items was in regards to the Studies. Carol will ask Bill Henderson to join the Board on October 31st to hear about the conference. 

Cathy Tepel spoke to Paul Kenner regarding Homeowner’s insurance. Per Mr. Kenner all Homeowners’ should have liability insurance from $500,000 - $1 million. A General Insurance Guide for Homeowners’ should be in place by the June Annual Meeting. Further discussion will take place at the October meeting. 


Next meeting October 31, 2009 Janet Russell, Secretary